特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


...for safety. Thank you to the Governor of P.R. and to all of those who are working so closely with our First Responders. Fantastic job!

現地時間 10/1 8:30

We have done a great job with the almost impossible situation in Puerto Rico. Outside of the Fake News or politically motivated ingrates,...

現地時間 10/1 8:22

When you kneel for our #NationalAnthem, you aren’t protesting a specific issue, you are protesting our Nation and EVERYTHING it stands for!!

現地時間 9/24 19:40
(動画: 国歌と人々)

19,000 RESPECTING our National Anthem! #StandForOurAnthem

現地時間9/30 22:08・日本時間1日午前
[NBCテレビ: アイスホッケー中継(セントルイス・ブルース対シカゴ・ブラックホークス) 動画]

In analyzing the Alabama Primary race,FAKE NEWS always fails to mention that the candidate I endorsed went up MANY points after endorsement!

現地時間9/30 19:24・日本時間1日朝

Because of #FakeNews my people are not getting the credit they deserve for doing a great job. As seen here, they are ALL doing a GREAT JOB!

現地時間9/30 18:46・日本時間1日朝

Very important that NFL players STAND tomorrow, and always, for the playing of our National Anthem. Respect our Flag and our Country!

現地時間9/30 18:26・日本時間1日朝

I will be in PR on Tues. to further ensure we continue doing everything possible to assist & support the people in their time of great need.

現地時間9/30 18:15・日本時間1日朝

Results of recovery efforts will speak much louder than complaints by San Juan Mayor. Doing everything we can to help great people of PR!

現地時間9/30 16:37・日本時間30日深夜

We must all be united in offering assistance to everyone suffering in Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the wake of this terrible disaster.

現地時間9/30 15:57・日本時間30日深夜

......#FakeNews critics are working overtime, but we’re getting great marks from the people that truly matter! #PRStrong

現地時間9/30 15:56・日本時間30日深夜

My Administration, Governor @RicardoRossello, and many others are working together to help the people of Puerto Rico in every way...

現地時間9/30 15:55・日本時間30日深夜

To the people of Puerto Rico: Do not believe the #FakeNews! #PRStrong

現地時間9/30 15:53・日本時間30日深夜

Congresswoman Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon of Puerto Rico has been wonderful to deal with and a great representative of the people. Thank you!

現地時間9/30 15:43・日本時間30日深夜

Just spoke to Governor Kenneth Mapp of the U.S. Virgin Islands who stated that #FEMA and Military are doing a GREAT job! Thank you Governor!

現地時間9/30 15:30・日本時間30日深夜

The Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rossello, is a great guy and leader who is really working hard. Thank you Ricky!

現地時間9/30 15:19・日本時間30日深夜

Despite the Fake News Media in conjunction with the Dems, an amazing job is being done in Puerto Rico. Great people!

現地時間9/30 14:04・日本時間30日深夜

The Fake News Networks are working overtime in Puerto Rico doing their best to take the spirit away from our soldiers and first R’s. Shame!

現地時間9/30 8:07・日本時間30日夜

I will be going to Puerto Rico on Tuesday with Melania. Will hopefully be able to stop at the U.S. Virgin Islands (people working hard).

現地時間9/30 7:55・日本時間30日夜
火曜メラニアと共にプエルトリコを視察する予定だ。出来れば米領バージン諸島 (皆が救援活動を頑張っている) にも立ち寄りたい。

Fake News CNN and NBC are going out of their way to disparage our great First Responders as a way to "get Trump." Not fair to FR or effort!

現地時間9/30 7:48・日本時間30日夜

(注) 多くのメディアがハリケーン救済でのトランプ政権の不十分な対応を批判している。

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