特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


.@CBPArizona agents arrested a previously deported child rapist on Wednesday after he attempted to re-enter the United States illegally. He’d been deported twice before. THANK YOU to our amazing Border Patrol agents for making our country safer!

現地時間 8/15 17:22

Thank you Rudy!

現地時間 8/16 8:36

#Trump2020 rally in Manchester, NH blows Biden and Dems away.

現地時間 8/15 20:55

This is more than an hour before and it is as full as a playoff game for a rally for @realDonaldTrump. No one has ever gotten these kinds of crowds. This was the reason he won in 2016 and will again. Don’t tell the dummies in the Fake Media.

現地時間 8/15 19:32
集会まで1時間以上 あるのに、決勝戦のように会場は満員だ。これほどの観客を集めた人はいない。これが2016年勝利し、再び勝利する理由てある。無能な偽ニュースには教えるな。

This is a tour de force which is equivalent to Reagan and Clinton but has much bigger audiences and he excites them much more. He is one of our great campaigners which is how he defeats a hostile media.They don’t get it.

現地時間 8/15 20:53

Great news! Tonight, we broke the all-time attendance record previously held by Elton John at #SNHUArena in Manchester, New Hampshire!

現地時間 8/15 22:55

Thank you New Hampshire. KEEP AMERICA GREAT! #KAG2020

現地時間 8/15 21:33


現地時間 8/15 21:18

Walmart, a great indicator as to how the U.S. is doing, just released outstanding numbers. Our Country, unlike others, is doing great! Don’t let the Fake News convince you otherwise.

現地時間 8/15 16:18

“If they don’t get this Trade Deal with the U.S. done, China could have it first recession (or worse!) in years. There’s disinvestment in China right now. Also, the Fed is too tight (I agree).” Steve Moore, Heritage Foundation

現地時間 8/15 16:14

Sadly, much truth to this!

現地時間 8/15 16:05

BREAKING: Alleged cop shooter in Philadelphia is a violent felon with previous gun convictions, was not allowed to own guns

現地時間 8/14 23:24

Andrew, thank you! We will never forgive or forget.

現地時間 8/15 15:57
アンドリュー(高校銃乱射事件の被害者父) ありがとう!我々は決して許さない、忘れない。
[(コンウェイ 顧問のツイート) エルパソやデイトンの事件後何が起きた?メディアは事件をトランプ大統領叩きに使った。我々は問題解決まで続ける。]

After @ICEgov recently removed illegal immigrants working at Koch Foods’ plants in Mississippi, Americans are applying for the open jobs.

現地時間 8/15 13:34
移民税関捜査局がミシシッピ州のKoch Foodsの工場で不法移民を検挙した後に空いた求人に米国人が次々と応募しているという。

Biden doesn’t have a clue! I will solve the China problem.

現地時間 8/15 15:29
[ギルフォイル顧問のツイート:バイデン は外交政策で間違いだらけ。彼は中国寄りで甘い。家族が金銭的に中国政府と関係しているからだろう。]

The Fake News Media is doing everything they can to crash the economy because they think that will be bad for me and my re-election. The problem they have is that the economy is way too strong and we will soon be winning big on Trade, and everyone knows that, including China!

現地時間 8/15 12:52

Representatives Omar and Tlaib are the face of the Democrat Party, and they HATE Israel!

現地時間 8/15 12:38

Wow! The Deputy Editor of the Failing New York Times was just demoted. Should have been Fired! Totally biased and inaccurate reporting. The paper is a Fraud, Zero Credibility. Fake News takes another hit, but this time a big one!

現地時間 8/15 12:30

Our Great Farmers know how important it is to win on Trade. They will be the big winners!

現地時間 8/15 12:24

The United States is now, by far, the Biggest, Strongest and Most Powerful Economy in the World, it is not even close! As others falter, we will only get stronger. Consumers are in the best shape ever, plenty of cash. Business Optimism is at an All Time High!

現地時間 8/15 11:26

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