特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Love this! You’re awesome

現地時間 7/12 16:09
Melissa Mclnyntyreをリツイート

Frm Zimbabwe I stand with Pres Trump, so sick of CNN pundits, haters

現地時間 7/14 2:22

Amen! You got it right Brandon!

現地時間 7/12 1:56
Deprolable Dianeをリツイート

Thanks Brandon! Keep it coming!

現地時間 7/12 6:27
Mary Marchをリツイート

Wow! Somebody is actually doing Something about this! Bravo! Brandon is a true patriot!

現地時間 7/12 16:11
あなたは素晴らしいことをやっているわ!ブラボー! ブランソンは真の愛国者!

Thank you, so nice, but we are getting it done anyway!

現地時間 7/14 8:39

“In January of 2017, I bitterly proclaimed on social media that I would never be able to understand how anybody could vote for a man who stood before a cheering crowd & mocked a reporter’s disability. That’s when somebody sent me this...” SEE FULL VIDEO: youtu.be/ssNEJD3xC8A

現地時間 7/11 0:32

Thank you to @realDonaldTrump for your incredible acknowledgment & support of #WalkAway back in October. #WalkAway turns 1 year old today!!! And I must agree with POTUS, it is something very special.

現地時間 5/26 2:11
去る10月、#Walk Awayキャンペーンを支援してくれた大統領に感謝。この活動は今日で1周年を迎える!これは特別な活動だと言った大統領に同意します。
[昨年のトランプのツイート:#Walk Away 今日のD.C.での民主党のムーブメント行進から立ち去るのだ。特別な活動を始めたブランソン・ストラカ (リベラル派をやめた民主党員でWalk Awayキャンペーン提唱者) ]

Proof it’s all about emotion to liberals! I’m not a small guy, and she was afraid of my @realDonaldTrump hat! Are You Kidding Me!!! Thank you @FogCityMidge for standing in battle with me! #maga #trump #WomensMarch

2019/1/23 21:21
そんな馬鹿なことあるか? 一緒に反論してくれたFog City Midgeありがとう!

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly...... ....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how.... ....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

現地時間 7/14 8:27

A big risk of major flooding in large parts of Louisiana and all across the Gulf Coast. Please be very careful!

現地時間 7/14 7:29

94% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, an all time high. Ronald Reagan was 87%. Thank you!

現地時間 7/13 17:21

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is a far superior leader than was Lame Duck Speaker Paul Ryan. Tougher, smarter and a far better fundraiser, Kevin is already closing in on 44 Million Dollars. Paul’s final year numbers were, according to Breitbart, “abysmal.” People like..... ....Paul Ryan almost killed the Republican Party. Weak, ineffective & stupid are not exactly the qualities that Republicans, or the CITIZENS of our Country, were looking for. Right now our spirit is at an all time high, far better than the Radical Left Dems. You’ll see next year!

現地時間 7/13 17:19
下院少数派院内総務ケビン・マッカーシー は、レームダックのポール・ライアン元議長よりずっと優れている。強硬で聡明で資金集めにも優れ、もう4400万ドルも集めている。対するポールの最後の年は、ブライトバートによると最悪であった。彼のような人が共和党を落とした。弱腰で影響力がなく、愚かで、共和党も国民も国も望まない資質だった。今の我々の活力はかつてないほど大きく、過激左派民主党より優れている。来年には明らかになるだろう!

Joe Biden was caught on camera saying: "We need family separation." VIDEO:

現地時間 7/13 16:57
ジョー・バイデン がカメラに向かって言っている「(移民は) 親子分離が妥当だ」

#Barry will slowly move inland today and continue to produce the following hazards... -Life-threatening storm surge to coastal areas of Louisiana and Mississippi -Heavy rainfall and flash flooding -Strong wind and the threat for downed trees and power lines

現地時間 7/13 8:54

This is one of the most horrible abuses of all. Those texts between gaga lovers would have told the whole story. Illegal deletion by Mueller. They gave us “the insurance policy.”

現地時間 7/13 8:20

JW 60 Seconds: John Hackett, former Director of IPS, which handles records management at the State Dept, testified that he raised concerns that Clinton’s staff had “culled out 30k” of her “personal” emails w/o following strict National Archives standards. jwatch.us/RkgN1Z

現地時間 7/12 10:00

Judicial Watch’s latest press release on CA cleaning up 1.5M names on the voter rolls is a step towards cleaner elections and #electionintegrity. Retweet if you agree and CLICK HERE: jwatch.us/B1UeYa

現地時間 7/12 11:30

.@TomFitton in @FoxNews: “The Dems recognize there are issues w/Mueller’s testimony. They’re trying to protect themselves by breaking the rules of Congress to get @realDonaldTrump, not only w/subpoenas, but destroying the rights of members themselves.”

現地時間 7/12 12:01

.@TomFitton: “The dossier, used by Mueller to target @realDonaldTrump, should have been investigated by #Mueller if he was interested in the real Russian interference in the election. It’s the cornerstone of the real Russia interference in the campaign.”jwatch.us/q342Y4

現地時間 7/12 14:00

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