特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


The mainstream media won’t cover it nearly enough, but thanks to the #FirstStepAct that @realDonaldTrump signed into law, 3,000 people are being given a second chance in life. That’s huge!

現地時間 7/20 20:44



Democrats are dead set on erasing all the economic gains that America has made under President @realDonaldTrump.

現地時間 7/18 14:58
ケビン・マッカーシー をリツイート

#USMCA will put America in a stronger position globally. Delaying #USMCA further only prevents farmers, manufacturers, and workers from seeing the benefits of this 21st Century trade agreement. It’s time for Congress to pass #USMCANow!

現地時間 7/20 11:13

American optimism is at its highest level in more than a decade!

現地時間 7/20 11:55
ケビン・マッカーシー をリツイート

As you can see, I did nothing to lead people on, nor was I particularly happy with their chant. Just a very big and patriotic crowd. They love the USA!

現地時間 7/20 6:57

With the incompetent Mayor of London, you will never have safe streets!

現地時間 7/20 6:41

How I wish we had such leadership in the U.K. “Don’t like this country? Don’t like what it gives you? Then leave” Trump does not give offence. #TheSquad choose to take it. #TheSquad need to make better decisions

現地時間 7/17 14:42


イギリスにこんな指導者が居たらと望むことは可能なのだろうか。「この国が嫌いなのか? この国の政治に不満なのか? それなら去れ。」


The @realDonaldTrump has made #2020 a bold and binary decision. Are you going to choose socialists, choose ISIS, choose the Palestinian flag, choose Cair? Or are you going to choose to Make America Great Again? Choose @realDonaldTrump

現地時間 7/18 15:08


トランプは2020年に大胆な二択の決断を提示している。社会主義やイスラム国、パレスチナ国旗やイスラム改善協会を選ぶのか? それとも米国を再び偉大な国にするのか? トランプを選択せよ。

“I always said I don’t think it matters who the nominee on the Democrat side is, because this President is so strong, the economy is so strong. He’s delivered on all of his promises.”-@LaraLeaTrump

現地時間 7/19 20:42



The Do-Nothing Democrats’ agenda this week: → Let Pelosi violate House rules to harass @realDonaldTrump → Harass Trump some more with an impeachment resolution that failed 332-95 Not on the agenda: → Solve the border crisis → Anything to actually help hardworking families

現地時間 7/19 10:30


Democrats are outraged about "cages" at border detention facilities. But guess who built EVERY SINGLE ONE: President Obama. Enough of the politics. Let’s secure the border and fix the problem.

現地時間 7/19 14:10

James Comey said the Dossier was "salacious and unverified." Turns out that was an understatement. It was salacious and complete garbage.

現地時間 7/19 11:39


Just spoke to @KanyeWest about his friend A$AP Rocky’s incarceration. I will be calling the very talented Prime Minister of Sweden to see what we can do about helping A$AP Rocky. So many people would like to see this quickly resolved!

現地時間 7/19 16:01

(注) ラッパーがスウェーデンで暴行容疑で2週間拘束されており、各方面から釈放を求める動きがある。

When our President stands up to radical Democrats who accuse Border Patrol of running concentration camps, use anti-Semitic slurs to denounce support for Israel, and continually attack America, we stand with President @realDonaldTrump!

現地時間 7/19 11:17

Thank you! #MAGA2020

現地時間 7/19 10:47

....Fed: There is almost no inflation!

現地時間 7/19 9:42

I like New York Fed President John Williams first statement much better than his second. His first statement is 100% correct in that the Fed “raised” far too fast & too early. Also must stop with the crazy quantitative tightening. We are in a World competition, & winning big,... ....but it is no thanks to the Federal Reserve. Had they not acted so fast and “so much,” we would be doing even better than we are doing right now. This is our chance to build unparalleled wealth and success for the U.S., GROWTH, which would greatly reduce % debt. Don’t blow it!

現地時間 7/19 9:38

Because of the faulty thought process we have going for us at the Federal Reserve, we pay much higher interest rates than countries that are no match for us economically. In other words, our interest costs are much higher than other countries, when they should be lower. Correct!

現地時間 7/19 8:43

Thomas “the Chin” Friedman, a weak and pathetic sort of guy, writes columns for The New York Times in between rounds of his favorite game, golf. Two weeks ago, while speaking to a friend on his cell phone, I unfortunately ended up speaking to Friedman. We spoke for a while and... ....he could not have been nicer or more respectful to your favorite President, me. Then I saw the column he wrote, “Trump Will Be Re-elected, Won’t He?” He called me a Racist, which I am not, and said Rhode Island went from economically bad to great in 5 years because the..... ....Governor of the State did a good job. That may be true but she could not have done it without the tremendous economic success of our Country & the turnaround that my Administration has caused. Really Nasty to me in his average I.Q. Columns, kissed my a.. on the call. Phony!

現地時間 7/19 8:34

It is amazing how the Fake News Media became “crazed” over the chant “send her back” by a packed Arena (a record) crowd in the Great State of North Carolina, but is totally calm & accepting of the most vile and disgusting statements made by the three Radical Left Congresswomen... ....Mainstream Media, which has lost all credibility, has either officially or unofficially become a part of the Radical Left Democrat Party. It is a sick partnership, so pathetic to watch! They even covered a tiny staged crowd as they greeted Foul Mouthed Omar in Minnesota, a... ....State which I will win in #2020 because they can’t stand her and her hatred of our Country, and they appreciate all that I have done for them (opening up mining and MUCH more) which has led to the best employment & economic year in Minnesota’s long and beautiful history!

現地時間 7/19 8:16
偽ニュースメディアは、ノースカロライナ州のアリーナ会場で大観衆(満員だ)が「彼女を国に帰せ」と唱えたと騒ぎ立てるのに、この3人の過激左派議員の辛辣な発言をほぼ容認しているのには驚きだ。メディアは完全に信頼を失い、公式または非公式に過激左派民主党の一部となった。全く不快で狂った連盟である!また失言議員オマールがミネソタで少数の群衆に歓迎されている場面まで報道。 ミネソタの人々は彼女の米国嫌悪に我慢ならず、ミネソタの過去最高を達成した雇用や経済に貢献した私に感謝(炭鉱再開など) しているのだから、2020年は私が勝つだろう!

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