特集 トランプ氏が大統領時の米国大統領公式ツイッター

I want to thank a @POTUS who keeps his word to the American people, who cares deeply about vulnerable families. Today, he keeps a promise he made from his heart by signing #RightToTry into law.
現地時間 5/30 13:01
家族の看病をしている国民への公約を守る大統領に感謝。今日「Right to Try」へ署名し真心の公約を達成。

Today, @POTUS Trump delivers on a promise he made to the American people. Two years ago on the campaign trail, our President made it clear this administration would open new pathways to treatments for families struggling with serious illness. Today he signed #RightToTry into law.
現地時間 5/30 12:57
今日トランプ大統領は国民への公約を実行した。2年前の選挙中、新政権で重病患者への治療の道を切り開く事を名言していた。今日「Right to Try」法律化に署名。

Today President Trump signs S. 204, the “Right to Try Act” - watch live: 45.wh.gov/RtVRmD
現地時間 5/30 12:16
本日、トランプ大統領は204号「Right to Try」法に署名。中継:

Will Racke in the Daily Signal: “HHS Pushes Back Against Narrative That It ‘Lost’ 1,500 Alien Children” Read more in tonight’s edition of West Wing Reads: 45.wh.gov/RVrYWA
現地時間 5/29 20:12
Daily Signalでウィル・ラック: 「保健福祉省(HHS)が1500人の移民の子どもが失踪との発言を撤回」

Thanks to @POTUS’ leadership, Congress came together last week to pass #RightToTry, giving seriously ill patients hope & a fighting chance. Right to Try allows access to experimental medicine. Great day coming for families when President Trump signs Right to Try into law!
現地時間 5/29 19:28
大統領の指導で先週議会は重病患者に希望と闘うチャンスを与えるRight To Try法案を通過。当法案は治験薬使用を許可するもの。大統領の署名で法律化された暁には家族にとり素晴らしい日となる!

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