特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Thank you to FEMA, our great Military & all First Responders who are working so hard,against terrible odds,in Puerto Rico. See you Tuesday!

現地時間9/29 9:30・日本時間29日夜

...The fact is that Puerto Rico has been destroyed by two hurricanes. Big decisions will have to be made as to the cost of its rebuilding!

現地時間9/29 7:18・日本時間29日夜

Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello just stated: "The Administration and the President, every time we’ve spoken, they’ve delivered......

現地時間9/29 7:14・日本時間29日夜

GDP was revised upward to 3.1 for last quarter. Many people thought it would be years before that happened. We have just begun!

現地時間 9/28 22:22
第2四半期のGDP(国内総生産) が3.1%(前回3.0) に上方修正された。大方の予想では、ここまでの成長は数年先と見られていた。我々はまだ始動したばかり!

The Trump Inaugural Committee is donating $3 million in surplus funds to victims of the latest hurricanes.

現地時間 9/28 10:29

Puerto Rico is devastated. Phone system, electric grid many roads, gone. FEMA and First Responders are amazing. Governor said "great job!"

現地時間 9/28 20:03

Hannity crushing MSNBC at 9. Good for him! Check the No Spin News on BillOReilly.com. Killing England a huge bestseller - thank you!

現地時間 9/28 19:01
9時の「ハニティー」(の視聴率) がMSNBCを下した。おめでとう!オライリーの「No Spin News」はこちらでご覧下さい(リンク)。「Killing England」(共著) はベストセラーです、ありがとう!

Thank you to the amazing men and women working tirelessly to bring relief to those in need. #PuertoRico #HurricaneMaria

現地時間 9/28 17:46
#プエルトリコ #ハリケーン・マリア
今日のプエルトリコとドミニカでのハリケーン救援活動の様子(写真) ]

...really hard to help but many have lost their homes. Military is now on site and I will be there Tuesday. Wish press would treat fairly!

現地時間 9/28 19:45

FEMA & First Responders are doing a GREAT job in Puerto Rico. Massive food & water delivered. Docks & electric grid dead. Locals trying....

現地時間 9/28 19:41

Welcome back @SteveScalise! #TeamScalise

現地時間 9/28 15:39

The electric power grid in Puerto Rico is totally shot. Large numbers of generators are now on Island. Food and water on site.

現地時間 9/28 10:01

Democrats don’t want massive tax cuts - how does that win elections? Great reviews for Tax Cut and Reform Bill.

現地時間 9/28 7:55

It is time to take care of OUR people, to rebuild OUR NATION, and to fight for OUR GREAT AMERICAN WORKERS! #TaxReform #USA

現地時間 9/27 21:55

This is the right TAX CUT @ the RIGHT TIME. We will ALL succeed & grow TOGETHER - as one team, one people, & one American family. #TaxReform

現地時間 9/27 19:42

Just arrived in Indianapolis, Indiana to make an announcement on #TaxReform! Together, we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

現地時間 9/27 19:42

..But the people were Pro-Trump! Virtually no President has accomplished what we have accomplished in the first 9 months-and economy roaring

現地時間 9/27 9:41

Facebook was always anti-Trump.The Networks were always anti-Trump hence,Fake News, @nytimes(apologized) & @WaPo were anti-Trump. Collusion?

現地時間 9/27 9:36
Facebookはいつもアンチ・トランプだった。以来ずっとネットワークもアンチトランプだった。フェイク・ニュースのNYT(謝罪した) とワシントンポストもアンチ・トランプだった。共謀か?

We will have the votes for Healthcare but not for the reconciliation deadline of Friday, after which we need 60. Get rid of Filibuster Rule!

現地時間 9/27 7:36

With one Yes vote in hospital & very positive signs from Alaska and two others (McCain is out), we have the HCare Vote, but not for Friday!

現地時間 9/27 7:32
病院からの賛成票1票と、 アラスカ他2つの州からの前向きな署名で(マケインからは無し)、ヘルスケアの票は獲得できるのだが、今週金曜に(通過)とは行かない!

(注) 金曜にグラム、カシディによるオバマケア改廃法案の評決が行われる。「病院」とは入院しているタード・コックラン議員のことだが本人は入院していないとコメント。

1 ... 741 742 743 . 750 760 770 . 833

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