特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Will Bruce Ohr, whose family received big money for helping to create the phony, dirty and discredited Dossier, ever be fired from the Jeff Sessions “Justice” Department? A total joke!

現地時間 8/20 10:36
偽の汚い不正文書に加担した家族(妻) が大金を受け取ったブルース・オーは、ジェフ・セッションズの「正義の」司法省からいつ解雇されるのだ? 全くおかしな話だ!

Everybody wants to keep their Security Clearance, it’s worth great prestige and big dollars, even board seats, and that is why certain people are coming forward to protect Brennan. It certainly isn’t because of the good job he did! He is a political “hack.”

現地時間 8/20 10:23

I hope John Brennan, the worst CIA Director in our country’s history, brings a lawsuit. It will then be very easy to get all of his records, texts, emails and documents to show not only the poor job he did, but how he was involved with the Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt. He won’t sue!

現地時間 8/20 10:13

Where’s the Collusion? They made up a phony crime called Collusion, and when there was no Collusion they say there was Obstruction (of a phony crime that never existed). If you FIGHT BACK or say anything bad about the Rigged Witch Hunt, they scream Obstruction!

現地時間 8/20 7:48
共謀はどこだ? 彼らは共謀と呼ばれる偽の犯罪をでっち上げ、共謀が無いとなれば、(存在しない偽の犯罪への) 妨害があったという。もし反発して魔女狩りの悪口を言うと、彼らは妨害だと叫ぶのだ!

....looking for trouble. They are enjoying ruining people’s lives and REFUSE to look at the real corruption on the Democrat side - the lies, the firings, the deleted Emails and soooo much more! Mueller’s Angry Dems are looking to impact the election. They are a National Disgrace!

現地時間 8/20 7:38

Disgraced and discredited Bob Mueller and his whole group of Angry Democrat Thugs spent over 30 hours with the White House Councel, only with my approval, for purposes of transparency. Anybody needing that much time when they know there is no Russian Collusion is just someone....

現地時間 8/20 7:28
不正で信用できないボブ・ムラーと民主党の怒れる悪党らは、透明性を理由に上級顧問に (証言で) 30時間も費やした。私の許可があってのことだ。ロシアとの共謀はなかったと分かっていてこんな長時間を取るのは…

Study the late Joseph McCarthy, because we are now in period with Mueller and his gang that make Joseph McCarthy look like a baby! Rigged Witch Hunt!

現地時間 8/19 8:24
故ジョセフ・マッカーシーについて調べてくれ。今ムラーとその仲間の時代にいる我々には、マッカーシー (の共産主義者への攻撃非難) を小さなものに見せるからだ!不正な魔女狩りだ!

Some members of the media are very Angry at the Fake Story in the New York Times. They actually called to complain and apologize - a big step forward. From the day I announced, the Times has been Fake News, and with their disgusting new Board Member, it will only get worse!

現地時間 8/19 8:14

The Failing New York Times wrote a story that made it seem like the White House Councel had TURNED on the President, when in fact it is just the opposite - & the two Fake reporters knew this. This is why the Fake News Media has become the Enemy of the People. So bad for America!

現地時間 8/19 8:06

No Collusion and No Obstruction, except by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. All of the resignations and corruption, yet heavily conflicted Bob Mueller refuses to even look in that direction. What about the Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok lies to Congress, or Crooked’s Emails!

現地時間 8/19 7:30
共謀、妨害などない、いかさまヒラリーと民主党によるものだけだ。辞任や腐敗が相次いでも、ボブ・ムラーはそちらを見ようとさえしない。ブレナン、コミー、マッケイブ、ストラーゾックは議会で偽証し、いかさま(ヒラリー) のメールはどうなっているのだ?

....and have demanded transparency so that this Rigged and Disgusting Witch Hunt can come to a close. So many lives have been ruined over nothing - McCarthyism at its WORST! Yet Mueller & his gang of Dems refuse to look at the real crimes on the other side - Media is even worse!

現地時間 8/19 7:15

The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type “RAT.” But I allowed him and all others to testify - I didn’t have to. I have nothing to hide......

現地時間 8/19 7:01
傾きかけのタイムズ紙は、今日偽ニュースを書いた。長時間に及び特別検察官に証言したドン・マクガーン大統領顧問は、ジョン・ディーン(ニクソン元大統領の法律顧問) のような「密告者」に違いないと報道。だが私は、そうする義務もないのに、彼や他の人の証言を許可した。私は隠すことは何もなく…

I allowed White House Counsel Don McGahn, and all other requested members of the White House Staff, to fully cooperate with the Special Counsel. In addition we readily gave over one million pages of documents. Most transparent in history. No Collusion, No Obstruction. Witch Hunt!

現地時間 8/17 18:12

The United States has ended the ridiculous 230 Million Dollar yearly development payment to Syria. Saudi Arabia and other rich countries in the Middle East will start making payments instead of the U.S. I want to develop the U.S., our military and countries that help us!

現地時間 8/17 17:51


現地時間 8/17 15:39
(トランプのメッセージ動画: 各国首脳に会うのは良い事でしかない。北朝鮮の例もある。)

The Economy is stronger and better than ever before. Importantly, there remains tremendous potential - it will only get better with time!

現地時間 8/17 9:39

Great Job Rachel Campos-Duffy on @foxandfriends.

現地時間 8/17 9:34
FOX and friends (の番組「サタデーモーニング」でアビー・ハンツマンに代わる新司会者) レイチェル・カンプス・ダフィーの素晴らしい仕事だ。

Has anyone looked at the mistakes that John Brennan made while serving as CIA Director? He will go down as easily the WORST in history & since getting out, he has become nothing less than a loudmouth, partisan, political hack who cannot be trusted with the secrets to our country!

現地時間 8/17 9:12


現地時間 8/17 9:06
(トランプのメッセージ動画: 不公平な貿易により、米国をこれ以上他国に利用させない。)

All of the fools that are so focused on looking only at Russia should start also looking in another direction, China. But in the end, if we are smart, tough and well prepared, we will get along with everyone!

現地時間 8/18 19:46

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