特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


I love Canada, but they’ve taken advantage of our Country for many years!

現地時間 9/1 7:21

“I think today what has happened is that news reporting has become part of the adversary system.” Alan Dershowitz It has become tainted and corrupt! DJT

現地時間 9/1 7:19

Still can’t believe that Bloomberg violated a firm OFF THE RECORD statement. Will they put out an apology?

現地時間 8/31 22:40

Great day in North Carolina where Republicans will do very well!

現地時間 8/31 20:44

The ABC/Washington Post Poll was by far the least accurate one 2 weeks out from the 2016 Election. I call it a suppression poll - but by Election Day they brought us, out of shame, to about even. They will never learn!

現地時間 8/31 22:35

.@Rasmussen_Poll just came out at 48% approval rate despite the constant and intense Fake News. Higher than Election Day and higher than President Obama. Rasmussen was one of the most accurate Election Day polls!

現地時間 8/31 22:25


現地時間 8/31 21:01

“President Donald J. Trump is Strengthening Retirement Security for American Workers”

現地時間 8/31 18:07

Wow, I made OFF THE RECORD COMMENTS to Bloomberg concerning Canada, and this powerful understanding was BLATANTLY VIOLATED. Oh well, just more dishonest reporting. I am used to it. At least Canada knows where I stand!

現地時間 8/31 14:37

I will be doing a major rally for Senator Ted Cruz in October. I’m picking the biggest stadium in Texas we can find. As you know, Ted has my complete and total Endorsement. His opponent is a disaster for Texas - weak on Second Amendment, Crime, Borders, Military, and Vets!

現地時間 8/31 13:09

Thank you Indiana, I love you!

現地時間 8/30 21:50

Throwback Thursday! #MAGA

現地時間 8/30 15:59
(まとめ動画: 2015年大統領選挙出馬表明から勝利まで)

Kevin Stitt ran a great winning campaign against a very tough opponent in Oklahoma. Kevin is a very successful businessman who will be a fantastic Governor. He is strong on Crime & Borders, the 2nd Amendment, & loves our Military & Vets. He has my complete and total Endorsement!

現地時間 8/30 14:30
ケビン・スティットはオクラホマ州の難しい対抗馬(市長) に素晴らしい勝利をした。ケビンは成功した実業家で、素晴らしい知事となるだろう。犯罪や国境警備や憲法修正第2条に強硬で、軍や退役軍人を愛している。私は彼を全面的に支持している!

CNN is working frantically to find their “source.” Look hard because it doesn’t exist. Whatever was left of CNN’s credibility is now gone!

現地時間 8/30 12:54

Will be going to Evansville, Indiana, tonight for a big crowd rally with Mike Braun, a very successful businessman who is campaigning to be Indiana’s next U.S. Senator. He is strong on Crime & Borders, the 2nd Amendment, and loves our Military & Vets. Will be a big night!

現地時間 8/30 9:49

I am very excited about the person who will be taking the place of Don McGahn as White House Counsel! I liked Don, but he was NOT responsible for me not firing Bob Mueller or Jeff Sessions. So much Fake Reporting and Fake News!

現地時間 8/30 9:39

The Rigged Russia Witch Hunt did not come into play, even a little bit, with respect to my decision on Don McGahn!

現地時間 8/30 9:17

Wow, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr’s wife, is a Russia expert who is fluent in Russian. She worked for Fusion GPS where she was paid a lot. Collusion! Bruce was a boss at the Department of Justice and is, unbelievably, still there!

現地時間 8/30 8:54

The only thing James Comey ever got right was when he said that President Trump was not under investigation!

現地時間 8/30 7:56

Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner had NOTHING to do with the so called “pushing out” of Don McGahn.The Fake News Media has it, purposely,so wrong! They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist-just a “smooth running machine” with changing parts!

現地時間 8/30 7:44
偽ニュースはわざとこのように報道しているが、大きな間違いだ!メディアは、部品交換により政府内が "正常な機械" のように回っているとなると、政府内に混乱を起こそうとするのだ!

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