特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Just made my second stop in Minnesota for a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rally. We need to elect @KarinHousley to the U.S. Senate, and we need the strong leadership of @TomEmmer, @Jason2CD, @JimHagedornMN and @PeteStauber in the U.S. House!

現地時間 10/4 18:58

Congressman Bishop is doing a GREAT job! He helped pass tax reform which lowered taxes for EVERYONE! Nancy Pelosi is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on his opponent because they both support a liberal agenda of higher taxes and wasteful spending!

現地時間 10/4 20:17
(マイク・) ビショップ米下院議員は素晴らしい仕事をしている!皆さんの減税に繋がった税制改革法通過を支援した!ナンシー・ペロシは、高額税と浪費予算を支持する民主党の対抗馬に、大金を費やしている!

“U.S. Stocks Widen Global Lead”

現地時間 10/4 15:29
(写真: ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙)

Statement on National Strategy for Counterterrorism: whitehouse.gov/briefings-stat…

現地時間 10/4 15:17

Working hard, thank you!

現地時間 10/4 13:38
(10/8ラスムッセン 支持率50%)

This is now the 7th. time the FBI has investigated Judge Kavanaugh. If we made it 100, it would still not be good enough for the Obstructionist Democrats.

現地時間 10/4 10:17

While armed with the power of our Vote, we proudly & peacefully revolted Never doubt this was an American revolution #MAGA #PresidentTrump

現地時間 2016/11/10 20:25

This is a very important time in our country. Due Process, Fairness and Common Sense are now on trial!

現地時間 10/4 9:54

Our country’s great First Lady, Melania, is doing really well in Africa. The people love her, and she loves them! It is a beautiful thing to see.

現地時間 10/4 9:34

The harsh and unfair treatment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is having an incredible upward impact on voters. The PEOPLE get it far better than the politicians. Most importantly, this great life cannot be ruined by mean & despicable Democrats and totally uncorroborated allegations!

現地時間 10/4 8:16

Wow, such enthusiasm and energy for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Look at the Energy, look at the Polls. Something very big is happening. He is a fine man and great intellect. The country is with him all the way!

現地時間 10/3 22:23

(注) ロイター/イプソスの世論調査では、セクハラ疑惑の上院公聴会後、同氏の最高裁判事就任支持率は、逆に4ポイント下がっている。(41%反対、33%賛成)

My thoughts and prayers are with the Florence County Sheriff’s Office and the Florence Police Department tonight, in South Carolina. We are forever grateful for what our Law Enforcement Officers do 24/7/365.

現地時間 10/3 20:01

[ヘンリー・マクマスター(SC) 知事のツイート引用: フローレンスから悲報。警察署の勇敢な人材は実在する、我々の祈りが本物であるのと同様に。]

(注) サウスカロライナ州フローレンス郡で3日夜起きた銃撃事件で、7人の保安官が撃たれ、うち1人死亡している。

Just spoke to President-Elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico. Great call, we will work well together!

現地時間 10/3 10:35

I see it each time I go out to Rallies in order to help some of our great Republican candidates. VOTERS ARE REALLY ANGRY AT THE VICIOUS AND DESPICABLE WAY DEMOCRATS ARE TREATING BRETT KAVANAUGH! He and his wonderful family deserve much better.

現地時間 10/3 10:29

Mexico, Canada and the United States are a great partnership and will be a very formidable trading force. We will now, because of the USMCA, work very well together. Great Spirit!

現地時間 10/3 10:13

Blowout numbers on New Jobs and, separately, Services. Market up!

現地時間 10/3 10:05

Thank you to Congressman Tom Reed of New York for your wonderful comments on our great new Trade Deal with Mexico and Canada, the USMCA. I have long ago given you my Full Endorsement, and for good reason. Keep up the Great Work! @Varneyco

現地時間 10/3 10:02

Thank you Governor Phil Bryant - it was my great honor to be there! #MAGA

現地時間 10/3 9:23
[ブライアン知事のツイート引用: ミシシッピはトランプの国だ!今夜サウスヘイブンにトランプ大統領を迎え光栄だ。]


現地時間 10/3 9:16
(FOXニュース: ミシシッピ州の集会演説で、カバノー判事を攻撃する民主党を批判。)

The Stock Market just reached an All-Time High during my Administration for the 102nd Time, a presidential record, by far, for less than two years. So much potential as Trade and Military Deals are completed.

現地時間 10/3 9:04

1 ... 581 582 583 . 590 600 610 . 833

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