特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Great new book, “Justice On Trial, The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court.” Fantastic job by Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino!

現地時間 7/19 7:35


現地時間 7/18 22:54

I am pleased to announce that it is my intention to nominate Gene Scalia as the new Secretary of Labor. Gene has led a life of great success in the legal and labor field and is highly respected not only as a lawyer, but as a lawyer with great experience.... ....working with labor and everyone else. He will be a great member of an Administration that has done more in the first 2 ½ years than perhaps any Administration in history!

現地時間 7/18 20:22
ユージーン・スカリア(スカリア最高裁判事の息子) を次期労働長官に任命することを発表でき喜ばしいことである。ジーンは法曹界、労働分野で素晴らしい成功を収め、一弁護士に留まらず、労働分野その他との協力経験も豊富である。発足後2年半で史上どの政権より成果を上げた政権の素晴らしいメンバーとなるだろう!

Today, @FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to welcome members of Team USA to the @WhiteHouse for a great celebration of their success during the 2019 @SpecialOlympics @WorldGamesAD! Congratulations @specialolyUSA! #Cheer4USA

現地時間 7/18 18:14
アブダビで開催された2019年スペシャルオリンピックス世界大会(知的障がいのある人たちのスポーツ世界大会) に参加した米国チームをホワイトハウスで歓迎した。おめでとう!

This should have been taken care of years ago, the Trump Administration is taking care of these thugs now!

現地時間 7/18 17:33

Today, on behalf of the American people, I received an American flag that flew aboard a ship carrying the first waves of U.S. Service Members to land in Normandy...

現地時間 7/18 16:35

I want to apprise everyone of an incident in the Strait of Hormuz today, involving #USSBoxer, a U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship. The BOXER took defensive action against an Iranian drone....

現地時間 7/18 16:13
今日のホルムズ海峡での強襲揚陸艦ボクサーによる事案に関し皆に報告したい。ボクサーはイランの無人機(ドローン) に対し自衛措置を取った…

Most of the MS-13 Gang members indicted & arrested in L.A. were illegal aliens, 19 of 22. They are said to have killed many people in the most brutal fashion. They should never have been allowed in our Country for so long, 10 years. We have arrested and deported thousands.... ....of gang members, in particular MS-13. ICE and Border Patrol are doing a great job!

現地時間 7/18 11:10

A lot of bad things are happening in Puerto Rico. The Governor is under siege, the Mayor of San Juan is a despicable and incompetent person who I wouldn’t trust under any circumstance, and the United States Congress foolishly gave 92 Billion Dollars for hurricane relief, much.... ....of which was squandered away or wasted, never to be seen again. This is more than twice the amount given to Texas & Florida combined. I know the people of Puerto Rico well, and they are great. But much of their leadership is corrupt, & robbing the U.S. Government blind!

現地時間 7/18 10:54

Just returned to the White House from the Great State of North Carolina. What a crowd, and what great people. The enthusiasm blows away our rivals on the Radical Left. #2020 will be a big year for the Republican Party!

現地時間 7/17 23:51

The Republican Party is the Party for ALL Americans. We are the Party of the American Worker, the American Family & the American Dream. This is the proud banner the Republican Party will carry into the Republican National Convention next summer in the great city of Charlotte, NC!

現地時間 7/17 21:42

Together, we will continue unleashing the power of American enterprise, so every American can know the dignity of work and the pride of a paycheck. With your help, we will elect a Republican Congress to create a safe, modern, fair, and LAWFUL system of immigration! #MAGA2020

現地時間 7/17 21:15

THANK YOU Greenville, North Carolina! #MAGA2020

現地時間 7/17 21:05

The United States House of Representatives has just overwhelmingly voted to kill the Resolution on Impeachment, 332-95-1. This is perhaps the most ridiculous and time consuming project I have ever had to work on. Impeachment of your President, who has led the.... ....Greatest Economic BOOM in the history of our Country, the best job numbers, biggest tax reduction, rebuilt military and much more, is now OVER. This should never be allowed to happen to another President of the United States again!

現地時間 7/17 18:24
下院では弾劾発議への反対が、332票対95票(他1票) で決まった。これは最も馬鹿げた無駄な時間となる案件であった。史上最高の経済を遂げ、雇用者数も最高、大幅減税、軍備強化を成し遂げた大統領に対ての弾劾はもうこれで終わりだ。このようなことが二度と米国大統領に起きてはならない!

See you tonight, North Carolina! #MAGA2020

現地時間 7/17 15:35


現地時間 7/17 12:08

New Poll: The Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in predicting the 2016 Election, has just announced that “Trump” numbers have recently gone up by four points, to 50%. Thank you to the vicious young Socialist Congresswomen. America will never buy your act! #MAGA2020

現地時間 7/17 10:30

After a ten year search, the so-called “mastermind” of the Mumbai Terror attacks has been arrested in Pakistan. Great pressure has been exerted over the last two years to find him!

現地時間 7/17 10:16

Big Rally tonight in Greenville, North Carolina. Lots of great things to tell you about, including the fact that our Economy is the best it has ever been. Best Employment & Stock Market Numbers EVER. I’ll talk also about people who love, and hate, our Country (mostly love)! 7:PM

現地時間 7/17 8:46

The Democrats in Congress are getting nothing done, not on drug pricing, not on immigration, not on infrastructure, not on nothing! Sooo much opportunity, yet all they want to do is go “fishing.” The American people are tired of the never ending Witch Hunt, they want results now!

現地時間 7/17 7:20

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