特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


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現地時間 12/31 12:34

Very good meeting on the Middle East, the Military, and Trade. Heading back to The Southern White House (Mar-a-Lago!). Updates throughout the day.

現地時間 12/31 11:51

To those many millions of people in Iraq who want freedom and who don’t want to be dominated and controlled by Iran, this is your time!

現地時間 12/31 10:44

I will be signing our very large and comprehensive Phase One Trade Deal with China on January 15. The ceremony will take place at the White House. High level representatives of China will be present. At a later date I will be going to Beijing where talks will begin on Phase Two!

現地時間 12/31 9:16

President Putin of Russia called to thank me and the U.S. for informing them of a planned terrorist attack in the very beautiful city of Saint Petersburg. They were able to quickly apprehend the suspects, with many lives being saved. Great & important coordination!

現地時間 12/31 9:06

Armed congregants quickly stopped a crazed church shooter in Texas. If it were not for the fact that there were people inside of the church that were both armed, and highly proficient in using their weapon, the end result would have been catastrophic. A big THANK YOU to them!

現地時間 12/31 8:53

Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!

現地時間 12/31 7:02

The Democrats will do anything to avoid a trial in the Senate in order to protect Sleepy Joe Biden, and expose the millions and millions of dollars that “Where’s” Hunter, & possibly Joe, were paid by companies and countries for doing NOTHING. Joe wants no part of this mess!

現地時間 12/31 6:16

Our prayers are with the families of the victims and the congregation of yesterday’s church attack. It was over in 6 seconds thanks to the brave parishioners who acted to protect 242 fellow worshippers. Lives were saved by these heroes, and Texas laws allowing them to carry arms!

現地時間 12/30 19:57

He is Fake News, will always be Fredo to us. I should release some of his dishonest interviews? Coupled with bad ratings, he’d be out!

現地時間 12/30 17:23
彼は偽ニュースで、いつまでもフレドなのだ、彼の不正直なインタビューを公開すべきだろうか? 支持率も悪いし彼はもう終わっている!

Thank you to highly respected Jewish leader Dov Hikind for his wonderful statements about me this morning on @foxandfriends.

現地時間 12/30 9:28
今朝のFOX&Friendsで私について素晴らしいコメントをしてくれた尊敬されるユダヤ人指導者Dov Hikindに感謝。

The anti-Semitic attack in Monsey, New York, on the 7th night of Hanukkah last night is horrific. We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism. Melania and I wish the victims a quick and full recovery.

現地時間 12/29 14:10

Crazy Nancy Pelosi should spend more time in her decaying city and less time on the Impeachment Hoax!

現地時間 12/29 9:55

Any answers Nancy?

現地時間 12/29 7:57

Tremendous Spirit!

現地時間 12/28 19:00

Thank you Joe. So good for our workers!

現地時間 12/28 18:58
[ジョー・カーネン(CNBC Squawk Box司会):平均的労働者の賃金が過去10年で最高の伸び、アクシオスより]

Thank you Juliet!

現地時間 12/28 17:29

A Dirty Cop at the highest level. Scum!

現地時間 12/28 17:15
[Adriana Cohen:コミーの陰謀崩れる]

Thank you Adriana!

現地時間 12/28 17:13

So sad to see that New York City and State are falling apart. All they want to do is investigate to make me hate them even more than I should. Governor Cuomo has lost control, and lost his mind. Very bad for the homeless and all!

現地時間 12/28 16:14

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