特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Because Shifty is a crooked politician!

現地時間 4/27 22:54


現地時間 4/27 18:59

I will be having a White House Press Conference today at 5:30 P.M. Thank you!

現地時間 4/27 16:58

Why should the people and taxpayers of America be bailing out poorly run states (like Illinois, as example) and cities, in all cases Democrat run and managed, when most of the other states are not looking for bailout help? I am open to discussing anything, but just asking?

現地時間 4/27 10:41


現地時間 4/27 9:48

There has never been, in the history of our Country, a more vicious or hostile Lamestream Media than there is right now, even in the midst of a National Emergency, the Invisible Enemy!

現地時間 4/27 9:41

Blame the Democrats for any “lateness” in your Enhanced Unemployment Insurance. I wanted the money to be paid directly, they insisted it be paid by states for distribution. I told them this would happen, especially with many states which have old computers.

現地時間 4/27 8:20

So true!

現地時間 4/26 21:42

American citizens! We were long ahead of Dems, who were all against the BAN.

現地時間 4/26 21:06
[トランプJr.:ペロシは、殆どの人が海外に足止めされた米国民だということを隠している。CNNがこのような詳細を報じればよいが、やらないだろう。(CNN政治部より:トランプの中国からの入国制限に関して「まだ数万人が米国へ中国から入国してくる。」とペロシ) ]


現地時間 4/26 20:59

They are one of the worst in the “news” business. Total slime balls!

現地時間 4/26 20:22

They asked me to be at West Point on June 13th., & I will be there!

現地時間 4/26 20:19

Laura, just another Fake News Report!

現地時間 4/26 20:14

Does anybody get the meaning of what a so-called Noble (not Nobel) Prize is, especially as it pertains to Reporters and Journalists? Noble is defined as, “having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.” Does sarcasm ever work?

現地時間 4/26 18:54

Reports that H.H.S. Secretary @AlexAzar is going to be “fired” by me are Fake News. The Lamestream Media knows this, but they are desperate to create the perception of chaos & havoc in the minds of the public. They never even called to ask. Alex is doing an excellent job!

現地時間 4/26 17:53

.@FoxNews just doesn’t get what’s happening! They are being fed Democrat talking points, and they play them without hesitation or research. They forgot that Fake News @CNN & MSDNC wouldn’t let @FoxNews participate, even a little bit, in the poor ratings Democrat Debates..... ....Even the Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats laughed at the Fox suggestion. No respect for the people running @FoxNews. But Fox keeps on plugging to try and become politically correct. They put RINO Paul Ryan on their Board. They hire “debate questions to Crooked Hillary”.... ....fraud @donnabrazile (and others who are even worse). Chris Wallace is nastier to Republicans than even Deface the Nation or Sleepy Eyes. The people who are watching @FoxNews, in record numbers (thank you President Trump), are angry. They want an alternative now. So do I!

現地時間 4/26 17:21

I work from early in the morning until late at night, haven’t left the White House in many months (except to launch Hospital Ship Comfort) in order to take care of Trade Deals, Military Rebuilding etc., and then I read a phony story in the failing @nytimes about my work.... ....schedule and eating habits, written by a third rate reporter who knows nothing about me. I will often be in the Oval Office late into the night & read & see that I am angrily eating a hamburger & Diet Coke in my bedroom. People with me are always stunned. Anything to demean!

現地時間 4/26 14:28

The people that know me and know the history of our Country say that I am the hardest working President in history. I don’t know about that, but I am a hard worker and have probably gotten more done in the first 3 1/2 years than any President in history. The Fake News hates it!

現地時間 4/26 14:21

.@CardinalDolan Thank you for a great call yesterday with Catholic Leaders, and a great Service today from @StPatsNYC!

現地時間 4/26 13:42

Happy Birthday to Melania, our great First Lady!

現地時間 4/26 12:06

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