特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)



現地時間 5/8 16:15


現地時間 5/8 13:02

Retired Ice Director Tom Homan knows more about the Border and Border Security than anyone. He’s a tough guy, but a good guy - and as smart as they come. His new book, “Defend The Border and Save Lives: Solving Our Most Important Humanitarian and Security Crisis” is a........must read for anybody looking for U.S. Security and Protection. Go get it now and make Tom a Top Best Seller - he deserves it!

現地時間 5/8 12:58


現地時間 5/8 7:29

Yesterday was a BIG day for Justice in the USA. Congratulations to General Flynn, and many others. I do believe there is MUCH more to come! Dirty Cops and Crooked Politicians do not go well together!

現地時間 5/8 7:18

I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:00 A.M. Enjoy!

現地時間 5/8 7:11


現地時間 5/7 19:56


現地時間 5/7 15:30

Today, @FLOTUS celebrates the two year anniversary of #BeBest, her initiative dedicated to bringing awareness to issues that impact the lives of children. Congratulations, and thank you! whitehouse.gov/briefings-stat…

現地時間 5/7 14:36
今日ファーストレディが主導する、子どもたちの生活に影響する問題への啓蒙活動Be Bestが2周年を迎えた。おめでとう、そして感謝を述べたい!

Congratulations to former Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, and all others involved, on a complete and total exoneration (with a 9-0 vote by the U.S. Supreme Court) on the Obama DOJ Scam referred to as “Bridgegate.” The Democrats.......are getting caught doing very evil things, and Republicans should take note. This was grave misconduct by the Obama Justice Department! @GovChristie.

現地時間 5/7 13:27

As you know, I designated this day to be a National Day of Prayer. As our Nation heals, our Spirit has never been Stronger!

現地時間 5/7 12:25


現地時間 5/6 16:41

The Fake News has reached an all time high!

現地時間 5/6 11:16

The White House CoronaVirus Task Force, headed by Vice President Mike Pence, has done a fantastic job of bringing together vast highly complex resources that have set a high standard for others to follow in the future. Ventilators, which were few & in bad shape, are now being.......produced in the thousands, and we have many to spare. We are helping other countries which are desperate for them. Likewise, after having been left little, we are now doing more testing than all other countries combined, and with superior tests. Face masks & shields,.........gloves, gowns etc. are now plentiful. The last four Governors teleconference calls have been conclusively strong. Because of this success, the Task Force will continue on indefinitely with its focus on SAFETY & OPENING UP OUR COUNTRY AGAIN. We may add or subtract people ........to it, as appropriate. The Task Force will also be very focused on Vaccines & Therapeutics. Thank you!

現地時間 5/6 9:06

Thank you @Honeywell!

現地時間 5/5 23:22


現地時間 5/5 20:02

I was thrilled to be back in the Great State of Arizona with the incredible, patriotic, and hardworking men and women of @Honeywell!

現地時間 5/5 18:06

Will be doing a major interview tonight at 6:30 P.M. Eastern with @DavidMuir on @ABCWorldNews Tonight.

現地時間 5/5 16:25

On #NationalTeacherDay, we recognize the countless men and women who dedicate their lives to instilling character, integrity, and knowledge in the hearts and minds of our Nation’s students, thank you!

現地時間 5/5 15:25

Getting ready to land in the Great State of Arizona!

現地時間 5/5 14:51

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