特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


Nowhere have I heard the firefighters were supporting Joe Biden. The leadership of the firefighters union, on the other hand, ....

現地時間 4/29 16:44
Mark Crossをリツイート

Roger that....firefighters will vote Trump! The union may not be representing its membership appropriately in this instance.

現地時間 4/29 10:57
John Qaglianoをリツイート

The union bureaucrats endorse him but the due paying members don’t, and they wonder why unions are getting smaller and smaller

現地時間 4/29 8:59
Wade Rossをリツイート

Does he know 90% of the Firemen’s retirement is dependent on the US Economy and invested in US Stock? Do not think the independent #Fireman thinker will be swayed by a socialist promoter.

現地時間 4/29 10:16
James the Immigrantをリツイート
バイデンは、消防士の退職の9割が米国の経済によるもので、株投資しているのを知っているか? 無党派の消防士が社会主義者に惑わされると思ってはいけない。

You are correct, 100%, Dan. A bunch of us have been talking, and this is just the DNC buying and paying for the voice of the fat cat leaders of the IAFF Union. C.W. Elliott, DCFD/EMS, retired 3/3/99.”Four More Years”

現地時間 4/29 11:29
C.w.Elliott(元警官、消防士) をリツイート

All firefighters I work with said No way !!!!!! Fake News

現地時間 4/29 9:56

My father is a fireman and his entire firehouse loves Trump

現地時間 4/29 13:14
Tim Gatto住宅金融業をリツイート

This career firefighter will not be voting for any Democrat on the ticket. I will be voting for @POTUS again.

現地時間 4/29 23:14
Corey bates(消防士) をリツイート

Agreed Dan. NYC FD inions haven’t made a peep but the known rank and file are Trump guys.

現地時間 4/29 9:39
Jimmy Macをリツイート
ダン(ボンジーノ) に同意だ。ニューヨーク消防署は表明してはいないが、隊員たちがトランプ派なのは明確だ。

How any firefighter in NY can support any Dem is disgusting after DiBlasio went to the G2 last year to rip our great POTUS instead of a firefighters funeral who died on the job. #stopthehypocracy #Trump2020LandSlide

現地時間 4/29 8:51
Mitch Joseph元陸軍兵をリツイート
昨年ビル・デブラシオ(ニューヨーク市長)が殉死した消防士の葬儀よりトランプ批判を優先し G2に行って以来、誰がニューヨークの消防士で民主党を支持する人がいるか?

None. We are all pissed about this. I have withdrawn my support for firePAC

現地時間 4/29 9:20
Kevin Nash(元海兵隊員) をリツイート

Im a firefighter and im NOT voting for Joe.

現地時間 4/29 9:46
Ed Orzechをリツイート

I have fire fighter friends and they support Trump.

現地時間 4/29 9:18

I’m a firefighter and I don’t endorse Joe Biden My vote goes to President Donald Trump!!!!

現地時間 4/29 9:40
Tom(元消防士) をリツイート

My neighbor is a fireman and he loves trump

現地時間 4/29 12:28
David Paradisをリツイート

I’ve done more for Firefighters than this dues sucking union will ever do, and I get paid ZERO!

現地時間 4/29 5:56
私の方がこの会費をむしり取る(消防士) 協会より消防士に貢献してきたのに、何の見返りもない![ダン・ボンジーノのツイート引用:私の知る範囲で誰もジョー・バイデンを支持するものはいない。]

Today, it was my great honor to welcome and host the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano and @Team_Penske to the @WhiteHouse!

現地時間 4/30 19:21
今日は、2018年 NASCARカップ・シリーズ優勝者ジョーイ・ロガーノとチーム・ペンスキーをホワイトハウスに歓迎でき光栄!

If Cuban Troops and Militia do not immediately CEASE military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the Constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete.... ....embargo, together with highest-level sanctions, will be placed on the island of Cuba. Hopefully, all Cuban soldiers will promptly and peacefully return to their island!

現地時間 4/30 17:09

CONGRATULATIONS to the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano!

現地時間 4/30 16:20

I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!

現地時間 4/30 14:23 私はベネズエラ情勢を注意深く監視している。米国はベネズエラの国民と彼らの自由と共にある!

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