特集 トランプツイッター(トランプのつぶやき)


“Dems in Puerto Rico as Shutdown hits day 24.” @foxandfriends

現地時間 1/14 7:35

Nancy and Cryin’ Chuck can end the Shutdown in 15 minutes. At this point it has become their, and the Democrats, fault!

現地時間 1/14 7:26

I’ve been waiting all weekend. Democrats must get to work now. Border must be secured!

現地時間 1/14 7:23

Smugglers are flooding our communities with drugs. *300 Americans die each week from heroin, 90% of it comes from south of the border. *ICE seized 2,370 lbs of fentanyl in 2017, enough to kill every American. Democrats need to work with @realDonaldTrump to secure our border.

現地時間 1/13 11:26
「 ヘロインによる死亡者は300人、その9割がメキシコ国境から入国。「ICEは2017年、2370ポンドのフェンタニルを押収、全国民を死に至らせる量だ。

Economic policies that @realDonaldTrump and @IvankaTrump have championed are producing some fantastic results for America’s young women. The labor participation divide between millennial men and women is the lowest it’s ever been!

現地時間 1/13 12:12

Based on the record, the allegation/suggestion that the #FBI came close to investigating @realDonaldTrump as a Russian spy/asset-if true-says more about anti-Trump bias within the DOJ than it ever does about the president’s actions regarding Russia.

現地時間 1/13 12:14

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are not negotiating in good faith with @realDonaldTrump. Instead, Congressional Democrats spent the weekend on the beach with lobbyists. It’s time for them to get back to Washington and work to secure our border and reopen the government.

現地時間 1/13 14:13

It didn’t get the attention it deserved, but @realDonaldTrump recently signed a bill into law that will empower women all over the world. @IvankaTrump was instrumental in making the #WEEEAct a priority. Another huge success for the Trump admin!

現地時間 1/13 16:22

“Gas prices drop across the United States because President Trump has deregulated Energy and we are now producing a great deal more oil than ever before.” @foxandfriends But this is bad news for Russia, why would President Trump do such a thing? Thought he worked for Kremlin?

現地時間 1/14 7:14
「石油価格は、トランプ大統領のエネルギー規制緩和により米国全体で値下がりし、かつてないほどの産出量もある。」FOX and friendsより。だが、これはロシアにとっては悪いニュースだ。なぜこんなことを私がするだろう?ロシアのために動いていたなんて思ったか?

....Border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist...And Americans will not go gentle into that good night. Patrick Buchanan. The great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!

現地時間 1/13 22:18

The Trump portrait of an unsustainable Border Crisis is dead on. “In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with Criminal Records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes & 4000 violent killings.” America’s Southern....

現地時間 1/13 22:12

Best line in the Elizabeth Warren beer catastrophe is, to her husband, “Thank you for being here. I’m glad you’re here” It’s their house, he’s supposed to be there!

現地時間 1/13 22:03

If Elizabeth Warren, often referred to by me as Pocahontas did this commercial from Bighorn or Wounded Knee instead of her kitchen, with her husband dressed in full Indian garb, it would have been a smash!

現地時間 1/13 21:08
(動画: ウォーレン氏は大晦日、インスタグラムで大統領選出馬を発表しビールを飲んだ。)

So sorry to hear the news about Jeff Bozo being taken down by a competitor whose reporting, I understand, is far more accurate than the reporting in his lobbyist newspaper, the Amazon Washington Post. Hopefully the paper will soon be placed in better & more responsible hands!

現地時間 1/13 20:45
間抜けなジェフ(ベゾス) がライバル紙 (National Enquirer)からこき下ろされているのが忍びない。アマゾン・ワシントンポストよりよっぽど正確な報道で信頼できる。同紙ももっとしっかりした運営陣の手に渡ることを願っている!

(注) National Enquirerの親会社American Media Inc. はトランプの友人が経営。12月女性にトランプ陣営に不利な発言をしないよう金を払っていたことを認めていた。

....Likewise, do not want the Kurds to provoke Turkey. Russia, Iran and Syria have been the biggest beneficiaries of the long term U.S. policy of destroying ISIS in Syria - natural enemies. We also benefit but it is now time to bring our troops back home. Stop the ENDLESS WARS!

現地時間 1/13 18:02

Starting the long overdue pullout from Syria while hitting the little remaining ISIS territorial caliphate hard, and from many directions. Will attack again from existing nearby base if it reforms. Will devastate Turkey economically if they hit Kurds. Create 20 mile safe zone....

現地時間 1/13 17:53

Wish I could share with everyone the beauty and majesty of being in the White House and looking outside at the snow filled lawns and Rose Garden. Really is something - SPECIAL COUNTRY, SPECIAL PLACE!

現地時間 1/13 17:01

Thousands of illegal aliens who have committed sexual crimes against children are right now in Texas prisons. Most came through our Southern Border. We can end this easily - We need a Steel Barrier or Wall. Walls Work! John Jones, Texas Department of Public Safety. @FoxNews

現地時間 1/13 10:45

The damage done to our Country from a badly broken Border - Drugs, Crime and so much that is bad - is far greater than a Shutdown, which the Dems can easily fix as soon as they come back to Washington!

現地時間 1/13 10:36

I’m in the White House, waiting. The Democrats are everywhere but Washington as people await their pay. They are having fun and not even talking!

現地時間 1/13 10:05

1 ... 531 532 533 . 540 550 560 . 833

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